Push-to-Pass controversy on Twitter(X)

Newgarden’s drama as seen through the eyes of IndyCar gatekeepers

On Wednesday of last week, the latest cheating scandal in IndyCar broke. Shortly after initial stories were published, IndyCar Twitter(X) lost its collective mind. Otherwise, mostly rational people began treating the story as if a major racing crime had been committed. They lost track of the fact that automobile racing and “cheating” go hand in hand. The following is a screenshot trip down a five-day rabbit hole.

It begins…

… it continues…

The official statements begin to arrive…

The fallout from the official driver’s statements…

The furor begins to wane…

How can this be made to benefit IndyCar?

Moving forward…

Where and when to watch…


April 29th; from the pits…


April 22nd; from the pits…