Opinion, Main Page Chris Breeden Opinion, Main Page Chris Breeden

Vinmotive takes a hike

Vinmotive’s efforts to celebrate Earth Day 2024, started an entire week early. Instead of hitting the treadmill, I hit a local walking trail at a state park. The trip did not disappoint. To my surprise I found two early touring cars rotting in one of Tenessee’s State Parks. Both are in Rock Island State Park on the Collins River Nature Trail.

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Opinion, Main Page Chris Breeden Opinion, Main Page Chris Breeden

The Demise of DriveTribe

Six years is how long the much publicized social media platform DriveTribe lasted in the automotive world. Despite a startup capitalization of over $12 million dollars, 10 million active daily users and 140 million monthly users the people in charge of the website could not keep it going.

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