The 1st amendment, on wheels.

What automobiles embody the ideas expressed in the 1st Amendment?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of
— The 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

There it is, (in all of its eagle-screeching glory), the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. This 4th of July, the US will collectively celebrate the 248th anniversary of our forefathers taking their lives into their own hands by telling England to shove it. All across the country, Americans will gather with friends and family at parades, backyard BBQ's, and professional and not-so-professional fireworks displays. It's one of the best examples of the 1st Amendment being put to use that I can think of.

The First Amendment affirms the following freedoms:

1) Freedom of religion

2) Freedom of speech

3) Freedom of the press

4) The right to assemble

5) The right to petition the government.

So the obvious question has to be: What vehicles represent these 5 freedoms? Hold on to your sparklers, ‘cause I'm going to give you my picks!

Religion - Tesla Cybertruck

Because even cars that incorporate antiquated technology can attract a cult-like following in the US. The Tesla Cybertruck is the obvious pick for blindly following an outdated and ridiculous idea.

Speech - Muscle Cars

Being able to say what needs to be said is one of the most important freedoms the 1st amendment epresses. Nothing speaks as loudly as the free-flowing exhaust of a modern American muscle car.

Press - News Van

Ron Burgundy may in fact be, “the balls”, but how do you think he reported while on the go? Why, from the trusty news van, of course! Vans built by Ford, GM, and Dodge aren't just for delivering flowers and packages, nope, Fake News fits in them nicely.

Assembly - SUV

Need to plan something out?

Can't get a meeting room at the Ramada Inn?

No problem! Just rent an SUV and take your assembled meeting guests on an air-conditioned tour of local scenery.

Petition - H1 Hummer

In a land where the government is "of, by, and for the people" the voice of a single citizen carries as much weight as the voice of the entire government. Nothing embodies this idea better than the civilian version of the government’s own transportation.

No matter where you may find yourself in the world this year…

Happy Fourth of July!

Oh! feel free to light your sparklers now…

LOL, I’m just kidding!

I know you lit those as soon as I told you not to. ‘Merica!


Get Your Own Wright Flyer (sort of)


July 1st; from the pits…